
Sunday, April 18, 2004

Can't believe that I am home. Can't believe that my dad is snoring right now, next to myself.
Can't believe what I went through yesterday...

What he did was sweeter than any dreams I've ever had in my mind.. He is better than any sweet dreams. Sweetest thing.

Friday, April 16, 2004

About yesterday, the day when it's over.

Celebrated it with SuYi, had sushi buffet that covered our lunch dinner and breakfast. What a sinner I am.. I have never felt THAT full before.

Last nite, more people thought that I resembled one of the girl on TV today. Hmm... funny.

I am going home tomorrow. I'm just glad that I'll get to meet my sis and bro, and my a. And of course the food feast. Other than that, the feeling is.. mixed. Hope I won't catch a heart attack.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I always leer on the ladies who gazes out the window of the bus with teary eyes, or those in the MRT. Foolish them. I learnt my lesson today. Karma is once again on the stage. Spent LOTS of money on him today, but it was worth it. Someone out there, you've got me going crazy. Love you.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I feel helpless. I am helpless. I've got to see you again..
My best nap ever. Jendela dibuka, bantal dan guling dibawa ke sofa, dan tertidur ditemani suara hujan...

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Been staying back in campus til 12 at night these last 2 days, with funny cutie vietnamese girls to keep me company. Darn kiasuism.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Eugh... turns out that nothing much I can report about the talk. It was not so inspiring whatsoever, maybe I just hate motivators.
Hmm karena Najyb bertanya, maka saya coba menjawab.

Jadi ceritanya begini... Kan saya ambil leadership and teambuilding course, di mana proyek utamanya bikin suatu community service bersama 5 rekan lainnya. Ada dua proyek yg kami berhasil dapatkan, pertama ngecat youth center di AMK sepanjang liburan kemaren (yg dapet sertipikat itu..) sama ngajak maen anak2 yg "bermasalah" di suatu Sec. di Yio Chu Kang.

Mo nostalgia dikit ah, waktu saya seumur mereka -14 taun- saya lagi sibuk2nya ngurusin majalah sekulah, maen teater, nyiapin EBTANAS, dan bakat nomaden-otonom-soktau sudah kentara, suka berkeluyuran dengan teman2 yang pada saat itu mulai berpacaran nginep di rumah temen nginep di sekolah dst dsb. Anak ABG yg sangat sok aktif dan suka tertawa tidak jelas dah pokoknya. Good 'ol days... :-)

Bedanya sec.2 sama SMP kelas 3... entahlah, sekolah sepertinya jadi poros hidup mereka.. sepatu harus putih, di beberapa sekolah bahkan kunciran rambut mesti seragam. Perbedaan utamanya yaitu anak2 kelas 3 SMP di Indonesia gayanya lebih "tua" dari sec.2, kesan saya sih SMP 3 lebih bebas dinamis (although still debatable in terms of productivity). Mungkin tuntutan memang lebih tinggi di negeri ini, there are CERTAIN steps that they believe must be taken in order to excel with excellence in life. Pengartian dari sukses (going to a seminar about "the meaning of success to you" this afternoon. Adinda will be reporting tonight about it) cenderung lebih homogen di sini, terkadang saya rindu akan diskusi diskusi kantin bersama teman2 lama, tentang nilai2 kehidupan seharihari, diskusi yang mungkin naif dan terlalu teoretis namun tak ayal memperkaya. Singapurapura... di mana orangorang mengurung diri dalam citacita, dan kesepian bersama. I feel cold. Do you?

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Huh hari ini aneh! Saya bolak balik Orchard 2x gara2 lupa bawa dompet, udah gitu lipgloss kesayangan jatuh dan hilang entah ke mana pula... Kebanyakan dosa pasti nih X-(

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Sigh.. I am a loser once again. When people start to speak big words, I'm chickened out.
"Better be silent and thought as a loser than speaking up and clears all doubts about it" haunts me too bad.
Need to sharpen up. Can't let this feeling to kill me. Hello, I am Jane!
Went to the last game session in Presbyterian Sec. School. The kids were quite fun to play with, now I know that Gobak Sodor/Galasin is called Defending game here. Dog&Bone, Blow Wind Blow, Whacko!, Captain's Ball, Police&Thief. Leadership course is (perhaps) not that bad afterall :-) Sec.2 students are very much different with anak2 kelas 3 SMP. VERY much.

After a quick makeover, heading back to school to get some food and I have to be in the seminar room within 2 mins. Will catch ya back soon. It's not the end. Not yet.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Turned out that I am just a girl afterall.
But the dream to be a wonder woman still lingers there!!! (someone whispers "yea rite.. keep on dreaming". Oh, just my conscience.)
Pemilu di Singapura tertib dan lancar. Senang juga ngeliat orang2 berkemeja menyempatkan datang sambil menggendong anak di Senin pagi demi negara... Ada juga sih mbak2 dengan baju minim dan rambut pirang ngeceng sambil pemilu :-D Pemilunya computerized, yg jaga mahasiswa2 dan petugas KBRI, walau nyoblos sih tetep aja pake paku. Antrean seperti ular naga panjangnya bukan kepalang, jalanan nyampe ditutup tapi anehnya cepat banget, karena tertib kali yaa.. trs TPSnya enak gitu di dalem kedubes, berAC. Sebenarnya agak menyesal gak sempet riset sebelum memilih, ya sudahlah, semoga gak salah pilih.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Was daydreaming in the seems-to-be-endless bus trip when a thought came ablaze. Aku ingin ketika besar nanti punya rumah di dekat pasar tradisional. Tentang bus trip ini, sesekali aku suka jalan2 ke Toa Payoh untuk ngisi stok kulkas karena di sana supermarketnya lebih murah (wet market susah ditemui di sini).

Buat teman2 yg pgn perlu sesuatu dari Sin, saya mo pulkam nih 2 minggu lagi. Hubungi di MSN vodafone_10@hotmail.com atao alvaliant di Y!Msg. ....Adinda! Jgn lupa bawa ulekan pas balik.

Besok ke Embassy, pemilu pertamaku senangnyaa... Selasa mao ke kampus ikutan seminar CEOnya PSS (Ernst&Young Indonesia). Tumben2 lho yg dateng dari Indonesia... Sepertinya seru :-)
Funny how you are either a girl or an auntie here. (Or a boy and an uncle if you -poor you :-p- happen to be male).

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Pempekku yg pertama yg aseli buatan sendiri benarbenar sendiri...
Oh inikah yg disebut bakat?? :-o

Friday, April 02, 2004

A life full of luxuries.
Hari ini suxes ngerjain PR bersama Ledy lalu ke Bugis cari gratisannn!!

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