Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Uhui.. LTB is down!!!
Monday, March 29, 2004
My dear friends, here is a little piece of advice for you. Don't ever take leadership course. EVER.
A few weeks have passed by since the Thursday I attended a CEO Talk of OCBC chief executive David Conner on Quality Management (teori handing over.. that blank spots that you have to be aware when you split employees into divisions).. Passionate man he is. He mentioned about OCBC's intention to spread its arms to South East mergers, acquisitions, or any other strategies.
Well, as published in The Business Times online 5 hari yg lalu, OCBC acquired 22.5% stake of NISP Bank, paying 47% premium of harga penutupan kemaren. OCBC ini salah satu top performers di Singapura, selain DBS dan UOB (2 bank ini nggak punya major stake, tapi cabangnya ada di jakarta, kalo Temasek Holdings -parent company dari public co.s here in Singapore ada stake di BII n Danamon). And they are aiming for more. Kevin Scully, managing director of NetResearch Asia, said yesterday that OCBC was paying a high price, given that NISP is trading at 2.5 times its book value, although this is partially compensated by NISP's higher return on equity of 18.8 per cent. FYI, return on equity is net income/stockholder's equity yg kira2 terjemahan kasarnya dari tiap dolar investasi berupa saham+retained earning, net income yg berhasil dijaring 18.8 cents. Which is quite good.
He said: 'Compared to its other banking peers, there is higher risk involved for OCBC as they are going into a less mature market where the banking system might still not be robust enough.'
OCBC, however, has mitigated the risk by buying into a conservative bank which has a low non-performing loan ratio, good cash-flow and high return on equity, he said.
Lalu bagaimana implikasinya ke ekonomi Indonesia? Well I guess foreign investment is always encouraged. Kita lihat saja perkembangannya.
Today is going to be a long... day! 8.30am (well... roughly. I was late by 20 mins hehe) to 6.45pm, ditambah reflection essay 3 lembar. But I am perfectly fine! In fact this starts to be exciting. Terimakasih untuk seorang sahabat! Dan those certain people out there.. Your support really means a lot. :-) k I'm off for lunch### Aneh, baru 2,5 jam lalu makan indomi telor kok udah laper lagi ya?
Well, as published in The Business Times online 5 hari yg lalu, OCBC acquired 22.5% stake of NISP Bank, paying 47% premium of harga penutupan kemaren. OCBC ini salah satu top performers di Singapura, selain DBS dan UOB (2 bank ini nggak punya major stake, tapi cabangnya ada di jakarta, kalo Temasek Holdings -parent company dari public co.s here in Singapore ada stake di BII n Danamon). And they are aiming for more. Kevin Scully, managing director of NetResearch Asia, said yesterday that OCBC was paying a high price, given that NISP is trading at 2.5 times its book value, although this is partially compensated by NISP's higher return on equity of 18.8 per cent. FYI, return on equity is net income/stockholder's equity yg kira2 terjemahan kasarnya dari tiap dolar investasi berupa saham+retained earning, net income yg berhasil dijaring 18.8 cents. Which is quite good.
He said: 'Compared to its other banking peers, there is higher risk involved for OCBC as they are going into a less mature market where the banking system might still not be robust enough.'
OCBC, however, has mitigated the risk by buying into a conservative bank which has a low non-performing loan ratio, good cash-flow and high return on equity, he said.
Lalu bagaimana implikasinya ke ekonomi Indonesia? Well I guess foreign investment is always encouraged. Kita lihat saja perkembangannya.
Today is going to be a long... day! 8.30am (well... roughly. I was late by 20 mins hehe) to 6.45pm, ditambah reflection essay 3 lembar. But I am perfectly fine! In fact this starts to be exciting. Terimakasih untuk seorang sahabat! Dan those certain people out there.. Your support really means a lot. :-) k I'm off for lunch### Aneh, baru 2,5 jam lalu makan indomi telor kok udah laper lagi ya?
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Tanpa maxud mengkritik, karena aku memang bukan ahlinya kalau sudah urusan kreatifitas, tapi negara mini ini -mengutip Mbak Saskia, I've disclaimed that I am not the whizz- kok agak sedikit kurang kreatip gitu yah? Terbukti dari iklan yang garing2 (ada 1 lelaki berambut keriting keribo mirip marcel mirip juga maradona bertahi lalat yang seperti tompel -upss- yang selalu dipasang di most commercials around. Gak tao namanya siapa yg pasti dia2 juga. Atau iklan berupa percakapan! Get real, this is 2004. Atau seperti biasa mengangkat isu transgender, lelaki yg berperan sebagai wanita. Atau mempermaenkan orang2 yg kebetulan punya substance gak tepat berlebih di tempat yg nggak tepat. So you really think its funny huh?? Is it? Is IT?? Garing.). Itu tentang iklan di TV, tapi gak terlalu mengganggu karena I don't watch TV anyway (kecuali American Idol hehehe). Kalao di media cetak.. hmm coba kita soroti di iklan2 lembaga pendidikan aja ya, mereka hobi banget pasang gambar mahasiswa yg tersenyum cerah ceria atau dengan mulut sedikit terbuka sebagai ekpresi excitement sambil loncat kaki ditekuk ke belakang rambut berkibar (kebayang nggak sih? hehe), pakai jargon bahwa lembaga tersebut "different", beda. Bahwa dengan bergabung di lembaga tersebut, siswa akan ngerasain "hidup", yg nggak sekedar tugas2 sekolahan (padahal... perlu tablet anti-stress juga akhir2nya). Di SMU juga begitu.
Mungkin negara ini emang lagi berusaha membentuk citra baru. I'll talk about a very popular slang, kiasu later. Singapura emang bisa dibilang model country. Cukup menarik juga kalau ngamatin strugglenya, dibingkai dengan keterbatasan ini-itu dan scarcity sumber daya di sana-sini. An expat-heaven as they might say, terutama orang2 eropa senang sekali jadi residen di sini. Excellent transportation system, strong law enforcement, serba teratur, strategis, quality control yg ketat di segala bidang, dan harga2 tergolong murah untuk mereka dibanding remunerasi yg mereka terima sebagai seorang european di negara ini (fyi, foreign talent dianggap superior di sini karena taraf kreatifitasnya dianggap jauh lebih tinggi dibanding Singaporean yg dull boring kurang artsy kurang greng dst dsb --masalah kultur sodara2). Foreign students di sini kayaknya ada tendensi mau gak mau juga jadi ikut2an lari ke retail-therapy untuk de-stress atau sekedar ngisi waktu. Ahem.. well I'm starting to lose my point, nanti deh di sort out lagi, sekian dulu info hari ini, gotta run for the Leadership presentation prep, yes this is Sunday. How kiasu we are :-)
Mungkin negara ini emang lagi berusaha membentuk citra baru. I'll talk about a very popular slang, kiasu later. Singapura emang bisa dibilang model country. Cukup menarik juga kalau ngamatin strugglenya, dibingkai dengan keterbatasan ini-itu dan scarcity sumber daya di sana-sini. An expat-heaven as they might say, terutama orang2 eropa senang sekali jadi residen di sini. Excellent transportation system, strong law enforcement, serba teratur, strategis, quality control yg ketat di segala bidang, dan harga2 tergolong murah untuk mereka dibanding remunerasi yg mereka terima sebagai seorang european di negara ini (fyi, foreign talent dianggap superior di sini karena taraf kreatifitasnya dianggap jauh lebih tinggi dibanding Singaporean yg dull boring kurang artsy kurang greng dst dsb --masalah kultur sodara2). Foreign students di sini kayaknya ada tendensi mau gak mau juga jadi ikut2an lari ke retail-therapy untuk de-stress atau sekedar ngisi waktu. Ahem.. well I'm starting to lose my point, nanti deh di sort out lagi, sekian dulu info hari ini, gotta run for the Leadership presentation prep, yes this is Sunday. How kiasu we are :-)
Thursday, March 25, 2004
AIESEC bawa berkah! Udah berapa hari nih pesta tempe, bakwan, cemilan2 ina, nastar sodara sodara! Comms class is down. 4 more to go.. doakan ya :-)
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Here comes the end of my 5th last week. 4 more weeks to go. Phew.. I somehow enjoy being busy :-)
Sentosa is not THAT special. Well it might be, if you come there with your beloved one. You know la, the lanterns, colorful boats, and the faithful merlion. But other than that, it was pretty much superficial. Anyer is way better. But AIESEC Global Village was fun. Tentu sajaaa keripik tempe, keripik nangka, kacang, nastar, lemper, kurang fun apa coba? :-D Ahem my global friends, nice to meet you all.. homeworks and projects, I am back!
Sentosa is not THAT special. Well it might be, if you come there with your beloved one. You know la, the lanterns, colorful boats, and the faithful merlion. But other than that, it was pretty much superficial. Anyer is way better. But AIESEC Global Village was fun. Tentu sajaaa keripik tempe, keripik nangka, kacang, nastar, lemper, kurang fun apa coba? :-D Ahem my global friends, nice to meet you all.. homeworks and projects, I am back!
Friday, March 19, 2004
She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes,
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies,
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child but she's always a woman to me
She can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you,
She can ask for the truth but she'll never believe you,
And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free,
Yeah she steals like a thief but she's always a woman to me
Oh, she takes care of herself, she can wait if she wants,
She's ahead of her time
Oh, and she never gives out and she never gives in,
She just changes her mind
And she'll promise you more than the garden of Eden
then she'll carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding,
But she brings out the best and the worst you can be.
Blame it all on yourself cause she's always a woman to me.
Oh, she takes care of herself, she can wait if she wants,
She's ahead of her time
Oh, and she never gives out and she never gives in,
She just changes her mind
She is frequently kind and she's suddenly cruel,
She can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool,
But she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree,
And the most she will do is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me.
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies,
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child but she's always a woman to me
She can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you,
She can ask for the truth but she'll never believe you,
And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free,
Yeah she steals like a thief but she's always a woman to me
Oh, she takes care of herself, she can wait if she wants,
She's ahead of her time
Oh, and she never gives out and she never gives in,
She just changes her mind
And she'll promise you more than the garden of Eden
then she'll carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding,
But she brings out the best and the worst you can be.
Blame it all on yourself cause she's always a woman to me.
Oh, she takes care of herself, she can wait if she wants,
She's ahead of her time
Oh, and she never gives out and she never gives in,
She just changes her mind
She is frequently kind and she's suddenly cruel,
She can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool,
But she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree,
And the most she will do is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me.
Ternyata ini rasanya... Terimakasih untuk dia :-) Ke mana saja saya selama ini..
All about APXLDS 2004 Singapore, AIESEC. Hectic, messy, but fun. Somehow di luar dugaan.. hmm this is interesting. Oh ya, met the delegates from UnDip and UnPad. Sound familiar?
All about APXLDS 2004 Singapore, AIESEC. Hectic, messy, but fun. Somehow di luar dugaan.. hmm this is interesting. Oh ya, met the delegates from UnDip and UnPad. Sound familiar?
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Went to this Wee Kim Wee talk by a 26-years-old security technology analyst of Microsoft today. Jhonathon Cervelli. A graduate from U of Chicago who successfully made me ponder through all the things that I've left behind. He drew a comparison between education in USA and Singapore, well it wasn't easy because they are in fact very different in so many aspects. One point that is nailed on my mind now, "...going to college was a chance for me to reinvent myself."
Monday, March 15, 2004
A few days ago, a Chinese footballer, a shining star, had to end his newly begun journey. He was struck by lightning while he was practicing in Jurong stadium. Such a tragedy. Untuk semua, harap hati2 kalo main bola pas ujan2...
Talking about rain, I love to feel the raindrops touching my head.. I walked in the rain today, when I missed 3 bus stops and had to walk to the chinese household store to buy a wok (wajan). I kinda had this stupid wish that the rain would purify my mind ~_~
Okay, so these 2 days I was busy with the open house 2004 in campus. We tried to fundraise for India Trip, to lower the cost for everyone. I wore vietnamese dress on the first day, with a white-purple flower on my hair.. Made me look like Storm of X-Men :-D We sold kacang puteh and ginveras in different colors. I'm not really a good sales person hehe. We managed to generate $1200 including cost of goods sold, and won the 3rd best booth prize for $500. I felt awful that I had to tell people that the money will go to the Indian orphanage.. hh... God knows.
I wanted bad to go to this Leadership seminar by AIESEC, which will attract tertiary students from 16 AsPac countries, but the ticket costs $30. I don't think I can afford it so I'll volunteer for AIESEC for 3 days.. at least I can see from afar.. although I won't be a part of them :-)
I found a song that describes most women very beautifully... try Billy Joel's Always A Woman. Love it!
Talking about rain, I love to feel the raindrops touching my head.. I walked in the rain today, when I missed 3 bus stops and had to walk to the chinese household store to buy a wok (wajan). I kinda had this stupid wish that the rain would purify my mind ~_~
Okay, so these 2 days I was busy with the open house 2004 in campus. We tried to fundraise for India Trip, to lower the cost for everyone. I wore vietnamese dress on the first day, with a white-purple flower on my hair.. Made me look like Storm of X-Men :-D We sold kacang puteh and ginveras in different colors. I'm not really a good sales person hehe. We managed to generate $1200 including cost of goods sold, and won the 3rd best booth prize for $500. I felt awful that I had to tell people that the money will go to the Indian orphanage.. hh... God knows.
I wanted bad to go to this Leadership seminar by AIESEC, which will attract tertiary students from 16 AsPac countries, but the ticket costs $30. I don't think I can afford it so I'll volunteer for AIESEC for 3 days.. at least I can see from afar.. although I won't be a part of them :-)
I found a song that describes most women very beautifully... try Billy Joel's Always A Woman. Love it!
Monday, March 08, 2004
Sudahlah. Akui saja.
Aku lebih butuh makian daripada kata sabar itu.
Today was okay. Talked for the 1st time in micro class.
Got some e-mails from my dad, i'm glad that he's the one who becomes my dad.
And he certainly not just a face whom i happen to call "dad".
Aku lebih butuh makian daripada kata sabar itu.
Today was okay. Talked for the 1st time in micro class.
Got some e-mails from my dad, i'm glad that he's the one who becomes my dad.
And he certainly not just a face whom i happen to call "dad".
Sunday, March 07, 2004
"Kak, di sini ada semprotan nyamuk lho!"
Addina. Nama yg nggak kreatif karena cuma derivasi dari nama kakaknya. 7 tahun kelas 2 SD sangat dewasa hobi nonton katakan cinta. She's somehow everything I am not... kreatif lucu smart dan cantik. We are alike in some ways that we tend to be shy and norak at the same time. dan Adikku yg takut sama "semprotan nyamuk" alias fogging yg biasa diadain RT pas musim demam berdarah kayak gini. Takutnya ekstrim sampai tiap ada semprotan nyamuk dia wajib ngungsi jauhjauh... Kangen juga sama bocah kecil manis manja itu =)
Came to UNSA (United Nation Student Association) yesterday, and I'll be selling kachang puteh -kacang tapi nggak putih, sejenis snack india- in the open house next week. I'll also be wearing a traditional costume. Maybe vietnamese ao dai if I can fit to Duong's dress, she's so petite so... harus puasa kali nih biar muat :-D
Menu hari ini sup ayam, bakwan udang, 1 sugar roll, dan 3 batang coklat.
*sigh* belajar lagi ah. mo ujian nih tentang saham this tuesday. Plus I have to review about chinese leadership parables. Gotta mug!
Addina. Nama yg nggak kreatif karena cuma derivasi dari nama kakaknya. 7 tahun kelas 2 SD sangat dewasa hobi nonton katakan cinta. She's somehow everything I am not... kreatif lucu smart dan cantik. We are alike in some ways that we tend to be shy and norak at the same time. dan Adikku yg takut sama "semprotan nyamuk" alias fogging yg biasa diadain RT pas musim demam berdarah kayak gini. Takutnya ekstrim sampai tiap ada semprotan nyamuk dia wajib ngungsi jauhjauh... Kangen juga sama bocah kecil manis manja itu =)
Came to UNSA (United Nation Student Association) yesterday, and I'll be selling kachang puteh -kacang tapi nggak putih, sejenis snack india- in the open house next week. I'll also be wearing a traditional costume. Maybe vietnamese ao dai if I can fit to Duong's dress, she's so petite so... harus puasa kali nih biar muat :-D
Menu hari ini sup ayam, bakwan udang, 1 sugar roll, dan 3 batang coklat.
*sigh* belajar lagi ah. mo ujian nih tentang saham this tuesday. Plus I have to review about chinese leadership parables. Gotta mug!
Friday, March 05, 2004
Jumat pagi masak salmon goreng sama sambel kecap. Belajar belajar belajar (tapi nggak ngerti) lalu sorenya bertemu Maureen, Kaymei (senior2), Weicong, Yuhong (duo ajaib), Su Yi (mantan roommate), Vedica (Indihe) dari Economics Society untuk ngobrolin e-publication. Nostagia dengan Su Yi dan Jin (malaysia2 nih) di luar library, makan, ngeprint formulir STB Ambassador lalu pulang and here I am.
Thursday, March 4, 2004. Business Block Seminar Room 6. 17:30.
CEO Talk: National Kidney Foundation’s TT Durai
I attended this talk because it’s just interesting that for the first time, they invited an NGO for this event. CEO Talk is a weekly talk in my university, held by the Business School. They usually invite CEOs and chairmen from major companies like UOB, OCBC, NTUC Fairprice, etc. The NGO sent a full team, from the chairman to the accountant. It was quite enriching to see a successful model of Singaporean NGO. This NGO mainly provides dialysis for kidney failure patients at a lower rate. They are output oriented in terms of they will lower the rate if the patient progresses either in measurable or not measurable rate such as they have to contribute by finding a job, support their family, score in exams, get a boyfriend, and so on and so forth everything under the sun that can show that he/she is determined to improve. I caught this unsympathetic tone at the first time, perhaps because the speaker has an aggressive style with respect of comparison to other NGO people. However, with the success rate of 93%, this NGO has something to offer. The basis of their institution must be very solid to be able to offer $100/month dialysis that actually costs around $3000+. They have they own TV show that generates A LOT of money every financial year. They have no pity to patients who beg for pity. Their patients have to show that every dollar injected for their healing will not be futile. And they are very strict about this. They operate the NGO as a business entity. Don’t ask me about the border between profit and non-profit organizations, please. They are pretty sour about this, citing what the CEO said, “if people donate their money to our foundation instead of the other NGOs out there, it’s not our business.” Intinya nyalahin LSM2 laen kenapa nggak cukup taktis untuk bisa jadi seperti mereka. They are just concerned about the sustainability of their foundation. I believe that NKF’s system and vision work well because this is Singapore. Singapore is a model country. It’s the closest thing to utopia of “righteous” bureaucracy. There is something in its people that yearns for perfection. Kapan ya Indonesia bisa punya yayasan2 yang bener2 membantu rakyat, dalam jangka panjang bukan cuma jawaban instant, tanpa ada personal agenda dibalik semua itu? Dan ketika yayasan itu tercipta, seperti apa model yg bisa diimplementasikan ke kondisi negara kita yang extraordinarily kompleks?
Ndengerin seminar sama Eleanor, ketua UNSA. Dia nih salah satu kandidat yang pengen dinda (tanpa D) jadiin sebagai guru. Kapan2 deh diceritain. Di akhir acara ada lucky draw HP Motorola, sayang nggak menang.
After the talk, I realized that some folks sit and think, others... just sit. And I believe I’m the latter. Hehe.
(Went to Toa Payoh in the afternoon. Bought Rejoice, the cheapest shampoo that I could find. Dapet gratisan sample sabun beautain, I love freebies. Beli mangga thailand yg di-markdown 3 biji $1, sama es cincaoo).
I’m having a hard time this semester. I think I’m myopic and hypermetropic at the same time. I need to see things that I don’t see, semoga ada seseorang atau sesuatu yang tidak segan menegur ketika dinda tidak cukup bersyukur.
CEO Talk: National Kidney Foundation’s TT Durai
I attended this talk because it’s just interesting that for the first time, they invited an NGO for this event. CEO Talk is a weekly talk in my university, held by the Business School. They usually invite CEOs and chairmen from major companies like UOB, OCBC, NTUC Fairprice, etc. The NGO sent a full team, from the chairman to the accountant. It was quite enriching to see a successful model of Singaporean NGO. This NGO mainly provides dialysis for kidney failure patients at a lower rate. They are output oriented in terms of they will lower the rate if the patient progresses either in measurable or not measurable rate such as they have to contribute by finding a job, support their family, score in exams, get a boyfriend, and so on and so forth everything under the sun that can show that he/she is determined to improve. I caught this unsympathetic tone at the first time, perhaps because the speaker has an aggressive style with respect of comparison to other NGO people. However, with the success rate of 93%, this NGO has something to offer. The basis of their institution must be very solid to be able to offer $100/month dialysis that actually costs around $3000+. They have they own TV show that generates A LOT of money every financial year. They have no pity to patients who beg for pity. Their patients have to show that every dollar injected for their healing will not be futile. And they are very strict about this. They operate the NGO as a business entity. Don’t ask me about the border between profit and non-profit organizations, please. They are pretty sour about this, citing what the CEO said, “if people donate their money to our foundation instead of the other NGOs out there, it’s not our business.” Intinya nyalahin LSM2 laen kenapa nggak cukup taktis untuk bisa jadi seperti mereka. They are just concerned about the sustainability of their foundation. I believe that NKF’s system and vision work well because this is Singapore. Singapore is a model country. It’s the closest thing to utopia of “righteous” bureaucracy. There is something in its people that yearns for perfection. Kapan ya Indonesia bisa punya yayasan2 yang bener2 membantu rakyat, dalam jangka panjang bukan cuma jawaban instant, tanpa ada personal agenda dibalik semua itu? Dan ketika yayasan itu tercipta, seperti apa model yg bisa diimplementasikan ke kondisi negara kita yang extraordinarily kompleks?
Ndengerin seminar sama Eleanor, ketua UNSA. Dia nih salah satu kandidat yang pengen dinda (tanpa D) jadiin sebagai guru. Kapan2 deh diceritain. Di akhir acara ada lucky draw HP Motorola, sayang nggak menang.
After the talk, I realized that some folks sit and think, others... just sit. And I believe I’m the latter. Hehe.
(Went to Toa Payoh in the afternoon. Bought Rejoice, the cheapest shampoo that I could find. Dapet gratisan sample sabun beautain, I love freebies. Beli mangga thailand yg di-markdown 3 biji $1, sama es cincaoo).
I’m having a hard time this semester. I think I’m myopic and hypermetropic at the same time. I need to see things that I don’t see, semoga ada seseorang atau sesuatu yang tidak segan menegur ketika dinda tidak cukup bersyukur.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Adinda is currently suffering a severe boredom. What an irony considering the pile of works that needs to be done by next week.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Today I learnt once more how it feels when your heart melt.. You just can't help smiling.
About yesterday.
My Financial Accounting result is not that great. 9/14. Very bad indeed. Accounting can be very confusing especially because it was in English maybe. Well I had an LTB meeting in the morning, we were going to do a presentation about Transactional Leader: Al Capone. Had FA class in the afternoon, we delivered a presentation on TT International Ltd. I covered the stock quotes and ratios/parameters of the company. Maybe later I should post here on how to read a stock quote. It's actually very simple just to read but the intrigues behind are quite confusing. I'm a dead meat.
About today.
Left in the morning for math for econs class. Got only 25/100 for the midterm. Damn lousy. Oh well it's over anyway.. Can't mourn about yesterday. Went to the library, did some homework, met Stephanie saying that she doesn't want "him" to be the president of Indo Club. Well, neither do I, someone has to stand up and propose for the leader position, anyone but "him". Anyway she's going to HK next semester. Had Leadership and Team Building (LTB) after that, the presentation was okay, Suraj was so funny. I am tired, have to boost up my energy by taking Tolak Angin every nights for the last 3 nights. Ended the classes at 4.30pm (Mukthar wasn't there so we didn't have TA session) and went straight to mushalla then went to Food Haven, sat there to eat some nice stuffs with the canteen lady, had a good chat with her. Agenda for tonight: finish math h/w, read LTB learning journal materials, read some microecons slides. Heck, that book's covers are really too far apart! Tomorrow I'd enjoy going to Toa Payoh to get some grocery and shampoo. Need to topup my EZLink card anyway...
Haha... just realized that I've contributed to the cyber world another dull blog! :-D
About yesterday.
My Financial Accounting result is not that great. 9/14. Very bad indeed. Accounting can be very confusing especially because it was in English maybe. Well I had an LTB meeting in the morning, we were going to do a presentation about Transactional Leader: Al Capone. Had FA class in the afternoon, we delivered a presentation on TT International Ltd. I covered the stock quotes and ratios/parameters of the company. Maybe later I should post here on how to read a stock quote. It's actually very simple just to read but the intrigues behind are quite confusing. I'm a dead meat.
About today.
Left in the morning for math for econs class. Got only 25/100 for the midterm. Damn lousy. Oh well it's over anyway.. Can't mourn about yesterday. Went to the library, did some homework, met Stephanie saying that she doesn't want "him" to be the president of Indo Club. Well, neither do I, someone has to stand up and propose for the leader position, anyone but "him". Anyway she's going to HK next semester. Had Leadership and Team Building (LTB) after that, the presentation was okay, Suraj was so funny. I am tired, have to boost up my energy by taking Tolak Angin every nights for the last 3 nights. Ended the classes at 4.30pm (Mukthar wasn't there so we didn't have TA session) and went straight to mushalla then went to Food Haven, sat there to eat some nice stuffs with the canteen lady, had a good chat with her. Agenda for tonight: finish math h/w, read LTB learning journal materials, read some microecons slides. Heck, that book's covers are really too far apart! Tomorrow I'd enjoy going to Toa Payoh to get some grocery and shampoo. Need to topup my EZLink card anyway...
Haha... just realized that I've contributed to the cyber world another dull blog! :-D
Random act of kindness can always brighten your day. Received one from a Greek lady today.
Maybe I should pay it forward. Start by listening to my prof instead of being lost in the internet will do.
Maybe I should pay it forward. Start by listening to my prof instead of being lost in the internet will do.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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Nine is the number that represents completion and
achievement to the fullest degree; it is the
'complete' number (3 x 3 = 9). You dedicate
yourself to the service of others, often as
teachers, scientists, and humanitarians. You
are strongly determined, you work tirelessly
and so it is no surprise you are an inspiration
to others. Having said that, you can be
arrogant and conceited when things don't go
your way. Please rate my quiz.
What does your name and arithmacy say about you? (some simple knowledge of adding is required on your part)
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The ULTIMATE personality test
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Monday, March 01, 2004
Me and my silly proxy theory. Skipped 2 classes today, studied at home instead. I'm taking communication skills and strategy course this term, which professor is an overly friendly malay chinese guy. I skipped that class today, and went to school in the afternoon for financial accounting meeting. Guess who I met on the way to the cafetaria? The last person in the universe that I wanted to meet. My overly friendly professor throwing a big grin to me.